长夜难明 The Long Night – 陈紫金 Chen Zijin (Prologue Translation)

TRANSLATOR’S NOTE – This is a translation project I’ve been wanting to take on for awhile. I have decided not to upload it and keep it as a personal project since it has been officially published. But I also noticed that the version found on 七猫小说 Qimao Books has been revised and, as a part of this revision, the prologue was removed. Since I had already translated the prologue and I find it to be a nice introduction to the story, I decided to share it here.

The suspect had originally intended to dump the victim’s body, but having been unexpectedly arrested at the scene in a crowd of several thousand eyewitnesses, he pleaded guilty to the whole crime. Witness testimonies, physical evidence, spoken accounts, all the evidence had come together perfectly; just as the prosecution was about to officially announce the verdict, the case took an unexpected turn…

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